Ecko Zip earbuds pump tunes through a functioning zipper, let you drop your fly in public

Posted by Japrax on Monday, September 12, 2011

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We already knew that New Jersey was a hotbed for personal audio innovation, so it certainly came as no surprise when the Garden State's ECKOUNLTD (Ecko Unlimited, with a hint of Jersey Shore) hit us up with a slew of new stylz. We're most curious about the new Zip 'buds, which replace the traditional cord with a functioning zipper, presumably to keep that ever-so-prevalent tangling issue from crampin' your style. These in-ear beauts will set you back just 30 beans - or about a half-dozen servings of Ron Ron Juice. Other offerings include the $13 Zone earbuds, $15 Chaos II (that Chaos I was offthe hook), the $20 Stomp, $25 Lace (which include a shoelace-inspired cord), and the $40 Chain, which, as you probably guessed, features a beaded dog-tag chain cord. At those prices we wouldn't expect stellar acoustics, but if you're rockin' out to any of these budz, you're probably most concerned with lookin' good. And nothing says six-pack like zippers and chains.

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